I know there are people who hate it only because it comes from the americans, and because we forget so easy about our creepy days, as it is St. Andrew's Day.
I have to say that I love Halloween. Because it is the only day when I can become someone else, when I can scream, and be scary. That's why I have chosen to go to a halloween party, Saturday, right after a wedding. look what I've done with my face and how scary I become.
2 comentarii:
Gala pt. Supervoluntari
Fie ca ai facut voluntariat, fie ca ai promovat activitati in comunitate in anul care a trecut, te invitam sa aplici la Gala pentru Supervoluntari din Sibiu. Avem o categorie speciala pt. bloggeri :) galavoluntari.wordpress.com Nu uita sa ceri si invitatia la eveniment ;)
PS: ramanem recunoscatori daca promovezi Gala pe blogul tau si in gasca ta de prieteni :)
Claudia Popa
Am omis cumva sa iti spun ca esti urata in pozele astea? :P Scary de-a dreptul :P
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